Weekly Diving Report – December 14th – 20th 2019

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Weekly Diving Report – December 14th – 20th 2019

Just on time, every Monday afternoon we post a review on our diving conditions here on Koh Tao and you might be wondering why?!

There is a lot of work going into these reviews, from taking the pictures in the first place, to cutting them together in a little compilation and uploading everything on-line. The Weekly Diving Reports have been a continuous project over the past years to give our guests an idea on what to expect when they come for a visit on the island and is a great way to compare the conditions over the years!

This week in the run up to Christmas week, the waters have turned slightly cooler – down to 27°C ! This is a bit chilly for our Instructors and Divemasters who are used to warmer water but it’s been welcomed, to give the corals a chance to recover after the very warm temperatures this year.

Pink Anemone fish swimming across the coral reef at White Rock

At Master Divers, we love Anemones and the fish that make their homes inside, here are some Pink Anemone Fish at Japanese Gardens:

Pink Anemone Fish hiding in an Anemone at Japanese Gardens

anemone at japanese gardens, koh tao
Weekly Diving Report - December 14th - 20th 2019 7

This Blue Spotted Stingray was spotted at White Rock:

Blue-spotted Sting Ray at White Rock

Our team of experienced Divemasters and Instructors will find something interesting to see during your dives even if it’s hiding among the coral, like this Coral Grouper at White Rock:

Coral Grouper hiding under coral at White Rock

Of course, we always love a close up look at the coral too:

macro picture of coral
Weekly Diving Report - December 14th - 20th 2019 8

Once more, we hope you enjoy our reports and they help you plan your next diving holiday to Koh Tao! See you back here next week!


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