It seems like ages ago that we did our last dive, packed up our dive gear and were sent to self-quarantine in our Koh Tao homes. The world has come to a pause and just like everyone else in Europe, America or anywhere else on the planet, we are re-adjusting to this new reality…
Admittedly, it’s been a little bit quiet on our blog, as we needed some time to set up our new ‘home offices’, sort out some technical difficulties and find the inspiration to share some of our recent dive memories with you. We promise that we’ll work on more regular updates on our website and in the coming few weeks we’ll play catch up on our ‘Weekly Diving Report’ with all the lovely dives we still did in March:
As you can see in our little compilation, the visibility has finally – mostly – cleared up and we had some pretty decent dives in the first half of March. Rumour has it that some baby blacktip sharks have been spotted in the waters around Koh Tao and even though we can’t present you with photographic evidence on this blog, Dan still managed to capture this little sharky friend:

There are some usual suspects which we see on almost any dive around Koh Tao. A good location to see yellow butterfly fish for example, would be Twins.

Sometimes our dive instructors get the chance to go out and explore a little bit with their students and these two divers on their PADI Advanced Open Water Diver course look like they have just spotted something very interesting:

You need to have a good eye, just like our in-house photographer Danny, to be able to spot the small stuff, like this very pretty flatworm. You can see in the picture that on this day the visibility wasn’t brilliant (lots of particles in the water), yet we wanted to share this great shot with you!

Now, we want to give you some proof that the conditions were actually pretty amazing during this week and therefore we are going to end this blog post with these two images:
We hope you have enjoyed this little report and promise we’ll be back here next week with a new blog post!