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All things Shark


All things sharky!

This month is Koh Tao’s annual Swim for Sharks in conjunction with Shark Guardian. There are 3 super exciting things about this; firstly, it means the conservation team get to spend the month focusing on all things shark related with a shark presentation, shark guardian dive, and shark quiz! Secondly Master Divers will be hosting the kids swim for sharks event on 25th August. Building on last year’s kids event, this year we will be hosting the kids swim around 3 rocks, and then hold our usual event of shark presentation, games and prizes. Lastly, and personally the most important… I will be taking part in the annual swim for sharks hosted by The Conservation Warriors of Big Blue. A 3.4km swim around Koh NangYuan.

The awesome Shark Guardian

Shark Guardian

For those that don’t know, Shark Guardian is a charity that works towards marine/shark conservation worldwide through a variety of projects and educational presentations and programmes. With presentations to schools, the dive community and a variety of public talks and events, Shark Guardian aims to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of sharks across generations and the conservation team at Master Divers is proud to be part of that goal.

Baby shark do-do-do-do-do-do

Kids love sharks

Having provided prizes to a UK school environmental competition, one of which being a shark guardian book, I’m certain that kids love sharks! Apparently, it’s the first book they go for at free reading time; what smart children! We will be working with Nicki at Splashdance‘n’Swim, Koh Tao’s very own swimming instructor, to get Koh Tao’s children swimming in the open water, having fun and learning about our precious sharks.

HP loves a frilly swimming cap

Swim for Sharks event

Today I did my first training for the swim for sharks event. I probably only managed an 800m swim but I have 4 weeks! As well as raising charity money for the event, 50% goes to Shark Guardian and 50% to Sea Shepherd Australia, I get to get back into swimming which was my life obsession until I was about 16. For sure a few years have passed since I was competing as a synchronised swimmer (yes you read that right) but I’m going to really enjoy getting fit doing something I love. It’s a win win situation!!



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