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Welcome 2019

Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2018

We hope you had wonderful holidays, stuffed your bellies with plenty of delicious food, entered the New Year with a big cheerful party and are ready for what 2019 has to offer. The Master Divers team has prepared a colorful collection of blog posts for you this year, but before we get started on this, it’s time to have a look back at 2018.

We have selected our ‘Best of 2018’ blog posts for you, in case you have missed any of these gems! What was your favourite post last year? And which topics should we cover more often? Let us know in the comments!


1. When is Monsoon Season on Koh Tao?

We were lucky that tropical storm ‘Pabuk’ has mostly missed us and the damage wasn’t as bad as expected. However questions on the weather and monsoon season are a classic and this is by far our most popular post of 2018…


If only anyone could predict the weather in the tropics. We gave it a go, had a look into our crystal ball, and tried to narrow things down a little bit. If you want to learn more about the weather system in Thailand and the different seasons in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea, make sure to check out this blog post!


2. Motorbike Rental on Koh Tao – The Dos and Don’ts

This handy guide is a must-read for anyone who is planning to rent a bike on Koh Tao! Whether you just need a scooter for a few days to explore the island and find the nicest viewpoints or you are looking for a reliable ride to commute to work, check out or recommendations for bike rentals and general road safety.


3. 8 Things to Consider When Buying a Regulator

If you have missed this blog post, make sure to bookmark it right now and you’ll have an extensive guide on all the points you should consider before buying a regulator. We’ve got you covered from 1st stages over hoses to mouthpieces. If you want to buy your full set of diving equipment, you can find more guides on our blog.


4. Master Divers Life Contest Blog by Katie Woodroffe

2018 was a life-changing year for our Master Divers Life competition winner Katie! This was her first ever blog post for Master Divers and was the deciding factor that Katie won not only a full set of Aqualung equipment, but also full professional training from her PADI Divemaster course  all the way to PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor.



5. Master Divers does Queen

Ok, ok… Technically we are cheating a bit since our epic version of Bohemian Rhapsody was originally posted in 2011. However with the release of the Queen movie in 2018, our ‘Koh Tao Nian Rhapsody’ experienced a massive boost and made so many people giggle that we couldn’t resist in sharing it again in this list. What are you waiting for? Go check it out!


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