We are proud to introduce Master Divers EARTH

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We are proud to introduce Master Divers EARTH

Through EDUCATION we influence people’s attitudes, emotions, knowledge, and behaviours and instil a sound conservation ethic. We inspire our divers to join us in taking ACTION in all areas of their lives to contribute towards a cleaner Earth. We take RESPONSIBILITY for the protection of this Earth which we are a part of. Our signature TRAINING approach harnesses methods and knowledge to enable divers to fully respect the ocean. By sharing success stories and solutions with you, you too will see there is real HOPE for the future of our planet Earth.

Master Divers’ new conservation identity

Although our Master Divers EARTH identity is new, our conservation message and work has been ongoing for the past 10 years here at Master Divers. We would like to thank everyone who has helped us along the way and been a part of our efforts, and we look forward to more challenges and making a real difference every day.

At Master Divers, we believe that we are in a privileged position to introduce the magic of the underwater world to beginners and to extend the passion in more seasoned divers. The beauty of what lies beneath the surface speaks for itself yet understanding the fragility of these intricate ecosystems, and how to behave within them, is something all SCUBA divers benefit from.



Education is key for conservation. How can we change people’s opinions and behaviours unless they understand why that change is necessary? The more we understand about a situation or issue, not only can we learn that change is necessary but also, we learn how we can make those changes for the best outcome. It matters not where you are from, if you are young or old, we can all learn something new each day that can have a positive impact our environment.

At Master Divers we include elements of environmental education into the learning process throughout every course, whether you are new to SCUBA and taking your PADI Open Water Diver course, perfecting your buoyancy in the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Speciality course or becoming a professional diver with the PADI Divemaster course or IDC and everything in between.


Dive Against Debris

We are all a small part of a large planet, yet what we do individually contributes significantly to potentially negatively, and positively, affect our environment. These actions may be small, simple, changes in an individual’s lifestyle choices.  It is often these actions though, that make a difference on a grand scale when employed by many.

From beach and land clean ups, regular Dive Against Debris dives, campaigning against plastic straws and plastic bags, the entertaining and awareness-raising Finathons and Swim for Sharks events, forming strong partnerships with various conservation organisations such as Shark Guardian and Greenfins, to the large island wide events like Earth Day; Master Divers has a decade’s worth of effort working towards a healthier planet.



Planet Earth belongs to each and every one of us, we live on it, enjoy its beauty and so the responsibility for taking care of it lies with all of us. We have to take responsibility for our actions and choices that effect the delicate balance of nature that exists here or it will be destroyed.

We take responsibility as a dive centre to give you, the visitor to our island, education, training, tools and guidance to make the right choices so you too can take responsible actions. We ask you not only to make these changes while you are with us here on Koh Tao but to take this information away with you, pass it on to others when you get home and teach others to also take responsibility for this beautiful planet that we call home.


Coral Watch Dive

Providing quality training in an environment which nurtures care for the natural world is priority to us.  Encouraging divers to continue their training is also an important mission of ours. We encourage further training and experience by offering an array of experiential courses and learning opportunities. Our divers fully immerse in best practices we have learned over decades of diving, resulting in a Master Divers diver entering the world of recreational diving with an understanding of how to behave responsibly and sustainably underwater. Our signature training approach harnesses methods and knowledge to enable divers to fully respect the ocean, whilst they are with us in Koh Tao and beyond.

The Master Divers ‘Green’ package can be taken as an add-on with your course. This is your opportunity for some extra conservation training beyond what we teach you during your course. You will take one of our conservation dives to you learn more about marine life populations, coral health, the plight of sharks or clean up diving and attend a conservation presentation evening which will be linked to that dive.


Turtle walking out to sea

It is all too easy to give up hope. The natural environment is declining rapidly, and the earth’s life support systems are under increasing stress. As nature erodes and human response is inadequate or destructive, it can seem like the only rational response is despair. Yet, in amongst the stories of loss there are inspiring stories of regeneration and positive change, with nature making a difference in people’s lives, and people valuing and nurturing the natural environment. These stories are the key to securing planet Earths future; we need to learn from them, replicate them and thereby build a world in which nature and people can coexist. Sharing these success stories, large and small, give people hope and inspire change.

Our conservation evenings are a time for people to come together and learn about conservation issues, but ultimately, how we can all help reduce the problem and how this is already being achieved. They allow the perfect environment for us to communicate and discuss, share ideas and success stories, inspire each other and restore hope.


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