Our Top 5 Blogs of 2019

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Our Top 5 Blogs of 2019

As part of our annual New Year’s traditions here at Master Divers, we like to present our readers with the most interesting blog posts of the previous year. You’ll find an interesting mix of all-time favourites as well as some lesser-known underdogs in this list and we hope you enjoy the read!

2020 is going to be a great year for diving!

It’s early January and this is generally the time to reflect over the past year and to make new plans for the coming 12 months (and beyond). January is also the time when many of us start thinking about their travel plans for the coming year. Whether it’s a last minute trip to escape the European winter or a long planned summer holiday later in the year, we think you should be putting Koh Tao on the list of your travel destinations – and you’ll be even closer to making 2020 a great year…

Some of us like to pre-organise every single detail of their upcoming trip and enjoy the thrill of anticipation that comes with the planning, while others simply ‘go with the flow’ and book everything last minute. Regardless of which type of traveller you are, at some point you will probably ask the Internet for advice! This is exactly where our Master Divers’ Blog comes in handy and as you will see in the review of our best-of 2019 blog posts as it’s generally the travel related topics which sparked our readers’ interest.But there’s a lot more to discover. So for now, without much further ado, let’s actually get into the countdown of our Top 5 Blog posts of 2019:

5. The importance of Citizen Science

One of our most popular marine conservation related posts, was this article which we posted in October. Marine-conservationist Jordan gave our readers a fantastic introduction how we can get involved with various different conservation projects.


The good news is that you don’t even have to be a scientist or spend long hours of your time to get involved. Take the ‘Zooniverse’ project, for example, where anyone with an Internet connection can help studying penguin populations in Antarctica or chimpanzee behaviour in Central Africe. (Check out their website (https://www.zooniverse.org/projects) for many other amazing projects!)

Do you want to learn more about the different ways how you can get involved? Read Jordan’s full blog post here.

4. Ten Things I wish I would have known before starting my PADI Open Water course

If you are thinking about finally taking the plunge and signing up for your PADI Open Water Diver course in 2020 then you should have a list at this handy list! Sure, there’s hundreds of blog posts out there that talk about the most popular diving course for beginner divers, but in this article you’ll find all the important information in one list.


From how to calm your nerves before you start to what to do next once you are a certified diver – we’ve got you covered in one of our favourite list-style blogs of 2019!

3. Seven Things You Should Not Do After Diving

Another one of our lists and this time we shed some light on all those things that you should avoid after scuba diving. Usually the majority of our dive planning goes into the time before and during the dive, but how much time do we actually think about what’s happening after the dive trip?


Did you know for example that you should avoid getting a massage after diving? Find out the reason why and other things you shouldn’t really do once you’re back at the surface in this blog post which we initially put out there in May.

2. How To Find Longer Term Accommodation On Koh Tao

In October 2019 we posted an update on one of our all-time favourite blog posts (you can see the original here).


When our pro-level candidates first enquire about accommodation on Koh Tao, we usually recommend to wait until you get here and look at a few places in person. This great blog post explains the process of finding a ‘new home away from home’ in detail and gives you some great insider tips!

1. Motorbike Rental On Koh Tao

And last but not least our ultimate guide on bike rental on Koh Tao. Once again, this post is an updated version of an older post (you can still read the original post which we published in 2018 here ).


Despite the fact the the original post had only been posted in 2018, we felt it was time for an update. There are new options of transportation becoming more and more popular on Koh Tao and the re-construction of the main roads has finally been completed and therefore we gave our little guide on bike rental a facelift!

This is a small selection of our personal favourites. Which blog posts did you like (or did not like at all?) Let us know in the comments…


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