PADI launches a new Adventures app

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PADI launches a new Adventures app

Many of us are facing the fact that our diving holidays for the summer of 2020 have been cancelled. But that doesn’t stop us from planning post COVID-19 and to help you with that, PADI has just launched a brand new app which we want to talk about in this week´s blog post. For the launch PADI are giving away some amazing diving holidays each week in their sweepstakes.

PADI Adventures – The app that takes you places…

I am writing these lines in the third week of June and right now I should actually be sitting on a little boat in Portugal, enjoying a diving day as part of my own summer holidays. But then, you guessed it, a global pandemic happened and my holiday plans were thrown over-board (pun intended).

But there was another reason why these dives might have never happened. It’s not the cold water temperatures of the Atlantic – even though this would have made an excellent excuse in my opinion. No, it’s actually the planning of my diving adventure, which was in fact very tedious. I did an extensive Google search, checked out numerous travel blogs on Pinterest, swiped through hundreds of Instagram pictures and still wasn’t sure where I would book those dives in the end…

What if I told you that this overly complicated planning is now a thing of the past? PADI just launched a brand new app which promises to be a one-stop shop solution for anyone wanting to book a diving course, fun dives or even a snorkelling trip on their vacation.


The new PADI Adventures App is available for iOS and Android and you can download it with this QR code!

I actually love all digital tools & gadgets that make my life easier and as soon as I heard about it, I downloaded the new PADI Adventures app and tested it out for you. Here are the 5 things I liked the most about the new app:

1. All my favourite diving destinations are in one place. While I might not be able to travel to any of these places right now, it’s such a beautiful inspiration to dream about diving holidays in the future and as soon as the borders open, I can book my next diving trip with just a few clicks.

2. I can activate push notifications to receive news about special events and new diving adventures – but I can also deactivate those notifications if I feel like I need a digital detox on my next diving holiday.

3. It allows me to save information on my preferred rental equipment for myself (and my dive buddies), which in my opinion will be a huge time saver in the future.

4. I can activate geo-location whenever I use the app, which will quickly show me any dive centres which are close to my current location .

5. All the information I need is in one place. I can quickly access details on courses, fun dives and snorkelling trips in one app without endless research online.

Another great tool for our holiday planning in the future is the interactive COVID19 map on the PADI Travel website. This map will show you in which places diving is already possible and if there are any restrictions and/or local regulations to keep an eye on. With the help of their partnering dive centres worldwide, PADI constantly updates the map so you can always access the latest information.


This is only a screenshot of the map – for an up to date version click on the following link:

I actually saved the most exciting bit of information until the very end… Drum roll, please! To celebrate the launch of their new Adventures App, PADI are having a huge sweepstakes. They are giving away diving holidays worth a total of $100,000!! You can learn more about how to enter and see all the prizes on their campaign website:


The Ultimate $100,000 Dive Vacation Sweepstakes

I for one am looking forward to my diving holidays in the future and I the new PADI Adventures App will certainly help me with the planning and booking!


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